Screenshot :
Release highlights :
- Read about improvements to Chrome 18
- Improvements to wifi connectivity
- Improvements to File Manager
- Stability & security updates
- Improvements to video playback from File Browser
- Updates to Pepper Flash
- 23036 - Caps lock is now triggered via the Shift + Search key combination (instead of the double Shift key combination).
- Two finger click when resting/hovering thumb present fixed (users would see 3 finger clicks instead); Faulty 3 finger click turned off to correct this issue.
- Shortcut key for submitting Feedback is set as Shift + Alt + i
Known issues :
- 26151: Occasionally, some users experience loss of audio when playing long streaming videos. Rebooting the system restores audio.
- 26731: When accessibility (verbal feedback) is enabled, viewing different pages causes the CPU usage to go to 100%. Restarting the machine resolves the issue temporarily. Workaround: Disable accessibility with audio feedback.
- Download | Google Chrome Offline Installer v18.0.1025.142 StableSize : 25 MB
- Password : | Link : TESTED
Happy Browsing
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